DDP Height: 6-5 Weight: 253 lbs. Once while paying a visit to Norma Jean's Dance Club in Fort Myers, Fla., World Wrestling Federation agent Blackjack Lanza sought out the nightspot's 6-foot-5 manager and asked a question: Why aren't you wrestling? Although Diamond Dallas Page performed as a manager in the small AWA, he had been told by Pat Patterson, another Federation official, that the company had no use for a manager with Page's height It's a hard road to be a wrestler, Lanza told Page, but you've got the tools to do it. Diamond Dallas Page eventually would become a star on the mat, but it wasn't until June 18 that his ultimate dream became fulfilled. On that day, the WCW veteran faced millions of anxious fans as he unveiled his identity as stalker of the Undertaker's wife from a Federation ring.