Call Rob Van Dam what you will -- "Mr. Monday Night," "The Whole F'N Show," "Mr. Pay-Per-View" -- but the "RVD" who helped lead ECW's invasion of the World Wrestling Federation, is better, stronger and wiser. Van Dam captivated ECW's loyal following with scintillating martial arts skills and eye-popping maneuvers including the Van Dam-inator, the Van Terminator and the Five Star Frog Splash. His magnificent abilities in the ring helped him set an ECW record 23-month reign as World Television Champion. Today, Van Dam says he's at the peak of his career, having fully recovered from a broken fibula that halted it for three months. And that's scary for anyone who thinks they can stop who is has every right to brag about how great he is! Just ask the man who discovered him: "We built a huge part of ECW around Rob Van Dam," said Paul Heyman. "I have no regrets about that. He is perhaps the most spectacular athlete that his industry has to offer today."