Ivory becomes the womens champion. 
Ivory is surprised to see that Chyna has returned from her neck injury. Miss Ivory Favorite Quote: "No More!" Career Highlights: Women's Champion (3) Miss Ivory is a role model that all women can look up to. Thanks to Mr. Steven Richards, she has seen the light and finally come to realize what she has always known in her heart -- that she is a woman and that she enjoys being a woman. Ivory believes that ladies have been jaded and fooled into thinking that low cut blouses with breasts spilling out are sexy. She says that women have been led to believe that short, tight skirts that expose the mid-to upper thigh is something that men want to see. Ivory says that is unacceptable. Real men want to see real women; real men see women for what they have on the inside, not for what they display on the outside. Ivory is here to say for all women that women have been held down long enough. Ivory is here to say, "No More."