Tentative guests Nov. 24 - Stacy Keibler What did you think of last week's episode of WWF Excess? Let us know at wwfexcess@wwf.com! Catch WWF Excess this Saturday night at 10/9 CT on TNN! Because the Dudley Boyz defeated the Hardy Boyz at Survivor Series, they, as well as Stacy Keibler, get to keep their jobs for at least one year! That being said, the sexy Duchess of Dudleyville will be our guest this week, so be sure to e-mail your questions to the leggy diva as soon as possible! If you'd also like to e-mail your questions, thoughts or comments to Trish or the Coach, you can e-mail them at wwfexcess@wwf.com as well! Also, don't forget to also send your "From the Vault" requests in as well! All requests and emails for EXCESS send them to wwfexcess@wwf.com
or e-mail them here |