Trish is the 2001 Internet Babe of the Year! Your voices have been heard, and you have made Trish Stratus the 2001 Internet Babe of the Year! Coming soon will be Trish's very own Web site! THE RESULTS STAGE 1 A) LITA 83% LILLIAN 17% B) STEPHANIE 75% SARA 25% C) MOLLY 73% IVORY 27% D) STACY 80% MAE 20% E) TORRIE 52% TORI 48% F) MOPPY 40% TERRI 60% G) JACKIE 31% DEBRA 69% H) TRISH 94% MOOLAH 6% STAGE 2 A) LITA 52% STEPHANIE 48% B) MOLLY 37% STACY 63% C) TORRIE 76% TERRI 24% D) DEBRA 16% TRISH 84% STAGE 3 A) LITA 51% STACY 49% B) TORRIE 29% TRISH 71% STAGE 4 A) LITA 45% TRISH 55%